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We've made it! We are at the end of Mission: Mindset.

Recap from last week: The “E” in M.I.N.D.S.E.T. stands for Excellence. A Mission Mindset strives for excellence in all the places God has you.  

Honestly, it has been a joy to go on this journey with you. My hope and prayer is that over the last several weeks you’ve been encouraged, challenged, and inspired to live on mission. But more importantly, I hope you’ve been able to grow personally in your relationship with God and with the people around you. I truly believe you’ve been made for impact and God has given you a precious gift to do so, your mind. It is a powerful weapon. And when used for His glory, nothing can stand in your way. Now let’s get to it and finish this thing!


The ‘T’ in M.I.N.D.S.E.T. stands for “To the End

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is John 13:1. Here, Jesus finds himself in a room in Jerusalem with his closest friends days before his arrest and crucifixion. In the twelve chapters leading up to this, John details Jesus’ profound and polarizing ministry -- his miracles, his teachings, and the religious controversy he caused. But here, at the beginning of chapter thirteen, John writes something that puts fuel in my fire,

“It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.

To the end. 

Not when he felt like stopping. Not when everything was going good. Not when he gained popularity or a certain level of income. No. Jesus the end. The Greek word for ‘the end’ is telos. It means completion. Reaching the end goal. Mission accomplished.

How did Jesus love? Until his mission was accomplished! 

There were so many times when Jesus could’ve said, “Hey I’m out. I’m done.” But no. He stuck with it. He knew what it was going to take and did it anyway. That’s telos. That’s a Mission Mindset. That no matter what happens in life, you move forward in faith to do what’s necessary to complete the task. 

Even when it’s painful? Yes. Even when you don’t necessarily want to? Yes. Even when everyone is telling you you’re crazy and you should stop? Yes. A Mission Mindset is one that says, “Ok God, I’ll finish when you want me to finish.”

And trust me, I’m not saying that’s easy. That might mean you retire later than you thought. Or maybe, no retirement at all. That might mean you financially support a child in need even when it stretches your wallet. That might mean fighting for people who can’t fight for themselves. That might mean praying for a particular person every single day even though you’re not seeing the fruit of your labor. That might mean staying late after practice and getting extra reps in. It can mean a lot of things, but whatever your mission is, do it to the end

When God calls you to do something, you do it with excellence until it’s complete.

I can’t imagine the pain and suffering Jesus went through for me. For you. The physical beatings. The flesh-tearing lashes. Having nails driven through his wrists and ankle. Being hoisted up on a wooden cross to be humiliated in front of all mankind. And then suffocating after hanging up there for hours. That was his mission. To save the world. To be a payment for all sin. And he did it. He did it so that you and I may be made right with God. If Jesus did it for us, then we can do it for Him and others! TelosTo the end!

Go create a life that counts,



Dig Deeper: What mission is God asking you to complete ‘to the end’?

Find Your Mission, Pursue Your Purpose, and Go Create a Life that Counts!


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